
Get to know me

I'm a creative problem solver and technology enthusiast, constantly exploring new ways to apply technology to seamlessly improve every day life. I graduated from University of California, Irvine in December with a B.S. in Computer Science.

Constantly looking to improve and learn more about the growing technology around us.

What i do

My pillars

Unity Expertise

Developed diverse applications across many platforms ranging from Augmented & Virtual Reality/2D/3D mobile and standalone applications using the Unity Game Engine.

Applied Immersion

My passion for working with immersive AR/VR technology stems from the ability to discover and build new use cases for innovative storytelling platforms and enhanced immersive experiences.

Leadership & Community

Founded UC Irvine's first Virtual Reality Development focused student organization, spearheading Unity VR Development workshops and large scale VR informational events to shed insight into the industry.

Check out my work

Latest Projects

Visit Virtual Venues

Virtual Reality enabled venue touring service founded by Oscar Castillo and myself to help venues better connect with potential clients utilizing immersive technology (360 Video + Matterport).

AT&T Shape Hackathon 2019

SpectateXR (4th Place Overall)

Prototype of a futuristic 5G enabled AR/VR eSports spectating experience for at home users. Utilizing AR/VR users can control their own spectating experience by following specifics players of interest and giving them the freedom of perspective. In addition, embedded 360 video livestreams can be broadcasted and viewed through VR to experience the live eSports event.

Learn More About SpectateXR

MIT Hackathon 2019


Immersive in-classroom tool prototype developed on Magic Leap One for students and teachers that helps with focus and learning. By providing unique tools, such as closed captions and 3D visual aids, it increases students comprehension and eases the teaching burden. While teachers can review the engagement level of the students, real-time transcriptions of the course support english learners. 3D tools let teachers push 3d objects to helps everyone better learn the material. Differentiation lets a teacher push, say, a 3D heart to each student's desk, but each students may receive different models of varying complexity, depending upon their own learning plan

Learn More About IN.Class


20th Century Fox Innovation Lab

Fox ARchives

Prototyped an internal location based narrative AR experience built for the Fox Studios Lot in Century City using AR Kit 2.0. Developed various AR experiences with a range of interactivity to showcase AR as a compelling storytelling platform integrated with Fox IP.